Monday, December 13, 2010

The Anatomy of a Print

Shown below is the steps to the creation of a print. Each step is as crucial as the next and we've worked through each step to help one understand the process.
It's important before and after inking a block to clean it very well. Dust can settle on it while not being used that can affect the inking, and you want to ensure no more ink remains on the block after inking, before storage. So in all - clean the block a lot. 
After ensuring that your block is free from dust, you want to set up your ink. Its important to use a lot less ink then you think and run the briar over it multiple times before use. Also you don't need a lot of room for each color, so you can put multiple colors on one plate. 
While preparing your ink it is important to remember to check for chunks or any stray dirt that could have gotten into the ink. They can cause spots when inking, so you should try to remove as many as possible. Even the smallest ones. 
The plate after preparing all the inks. Each briar has a set color that it is used for, for the entire inking process to ensure the best color for each. When rolling your briar it is important to remind yourself not to go back and forward, but to always go in the same direction (either toward or away from your body) this ensures that you get ink evenly spread on the briar. 
You can then ink the first block for the print. Try to ink the block as evenly as possible to ensure that the ink goes onto the paper consistently as well. Remember to roll the briar in a consistent direction while doing this to ensure you get all of the ink that's on the briar onto the block. 
After inking, remove the paper slowly from the block to ensure no smudging. After removing the sheet entirely check it to ensure that the ink was applied evenly and that no spots show.  
After ensuring that the previous block was done well, line the next block up with the marks on the sheet below. It is important to line the blocks up exactly to that the ink goes on perfectly in line with each block. 
Slowly apply the paper to the block, ensuring that you line it up perfectly, as stated before. This can mess up the entire print. 
Make sure the paper is smooth against the block and there are no air pockets beneath the paper.
Apply a sheet of scrap paper bigger than the paper you are inking onto, on top of your sheet and then a piece of thin cardboard on top of that. This helps protect the block from the press and the press from ink, if too much was applied. 
After running it through the printing press, rub a wood block over the print to ensure ink transfer. It is highly reccommneded to pay specific attention to areas of great detail, areas with thin lines and the edges. You want to ensure that all the ink transfered in these delicate areas, which the roller might have missed. 
Then remove the overlays and remove the print from the block very gently. 
At the end of the entire print, it is good to go back over your print with a brush to touch up any spots that may have not transfered correctly after all the blocks were done. Use a fine brush and minimal ink, as to not leave mark of brush work. 
After that Repeat! You can create numerous copies of the same image or switch up your paint colors to give the same image a new look. 

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